Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reading Response 2: seize the remarkable opportunity of a teacher to shape lives...

2d. On page 22, Tomlinson says, “The truth is, we will never really do all each child needs us to do.” Later on this page she says, “The point is not to entertain guilt. The point is to relentlessly seize the remarkable opportunity of a teacher to shape lives – to do the best we can to ensure that we are better at reaching children today than yesterday, better at it this year than last.”

I really loved this quote. I think everyone in the cohort as we go through the program and we learn all of these great strategies and other helpful information we set our expectations high. I know I do at least. The things I work the hardest for and strive for perfection in is my marriage, spiritual growth, and in school work--becoming an awesome teacher! It's not an unachievable goal, being a great teacher, but even the greatest teacher ever is not perfect and will not do what every child needs them to do.
The great teacher realizes this, does his/her best, and strives to reach even further the next year. Never reaching perfection, but always doing more the next year. This was a GREAT quote!

1 comment:

  1. Aiming high to achieve as close to the goal as possible and then reflecting and being satisfied with our effort...
